Sarah Harrington
Apr 1, 2021
Day 13
-Friday morning we woke up bright and early. It was COLD. The temperature got down to 35 degrees in the middle of the night and Jared had...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 31, 2021
Day 12
-Thursday morning we woke up early and broke camp and hit the road. Everyone grabbed a hot breakfast from the kitchen of the camp we were...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 30, 2021
Day 11
-The alarm went off way too early Wednesday morning. This was the day we had built the trip around- Cumberland Island....
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 29, 2021
Day 10
-Tuesday we woke up still not having any plans for the day. Everyone was sunburned and grumpy. I should've taken more funny sunburn...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 28, 2021
Day 9
-Monday we woke up with no plans. Monday and Tuesday were the only days of the trip that I didn't have any plans. We truly could go where...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 27, 2021
Day 8
We had planned to wake up and watch church over Zoom before leaving for Florida, but Jenna woke up not feeling well and that kind of...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 26, 2021
DAY 7 -Saturday morning I got up and did another load of laundry at the laundry room while everyone got ready. We had decided to devote...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 25, 2021
DAY 6 -We got up Friday morning and did some laundry at the nice bath and laundry house right across the street from our bus. Then we set...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 24, 2021
DAY 5 -Thursday morning we got up early and since we hadn't really made a camp it was easy to take off quickly. We were on the road...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 23, 2021
DAY 4 -Wednesday morning we got up and broke camp. There was bad weather heading in and we wanted to get out of there before it arrived....
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 22, 2021
Eternity Bus at Great Smokey Mountain National Park *Be warned this post has a lot of pictures- taking pictures of my family in nature is...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 21, 2021
-Monday morning we got new tow straps at the Camping World in Indy, then started off for the Smokey Mountains. Our 40 ft bus pulling a...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 20, 2021
-After returning home on Sunday from our test trip, we made a whole new horrendous list and worked like mad all week to get it done. We...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 13, 2021
I'm jumping ahead a little in the blogging because I don't have posts made yet about finishing the last few months of construction. But...
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Sarah Harrington
Jul 7, 2020
Thank Heavens for AC!!
Now that the walls and ceiling are in place we can add some AC, which is much needed because we are working in the middle of a heat wave!...
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Sarah Harrington
Jul 2, 2020
The exterior paint prep
Well that was a fun job! I sanded every square inch of our bus. Wow! For 3 days I was covered in yellow dust as I used the orbital...
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Sarah Harrington
Jun 27, 2020
The interior paint
While Jared worked on building cabinetry this week, I've been working on interior and exterior paint. The first grey color we got was...
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Sarah Harrington
Jun 22, 2020
Cabinets, cabinets, and more cabinets
Jared started building cabinets this week. Rather than wasting space by framing walls, Jared decided to use cabinetry as the room...
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Sarah Harrington
Jun 19, 2020
The master bedroom
We started with the queen bed in back. It actually went in before we were finished with the insulation and walls because, well, we just...
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Sarah Harrington
Jun 13, 2020
The walls & ceiling
We insulated the walls and ceiling and covered them with plywood and a beadboard insert in the ceiling. Before starting on this portion...
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