
Sarah Harrington
Jun 5, 2020
The benches & dinette
Jared built the front seating over the winter. It is a little different from others that we have seen. The passenger side has a an 8...
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Jared Harrington
May 31, 2020
A long winter's break
It has been a while since I posted any updates, but I really didn't do anything all winter except build the benches & dinette. The last...
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Sarah Harrington
Mar 31, 2020
The layout and design
How do you fit space for 8 people to live and sleep in a school bus?? The answer is...very strategically. From the beginning, we knew...
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Jared Harrington
Sep 6, 2019
Floor insulation & subfloor
We're just about finished with the house and barn and can finally turn our attentions back to the bus. Started installing the insulation...
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Jared Harrington
Mar 11, 2019
Say goodbye to the rear wheel wells!!
After reading another thread about removing/reducing the rear wheel wells I decided to look into more. Pointless for most builds, but for...
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Jared Harrington
Dec 11, 2018
Gasland Water Heater
The water heater arrived today. It's a Gasland BE158 on-demand heater. With 8 people needing to shower an on-demand heater was the only...
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Jared Harrington
Nov 27, 2018
A break from the bus and this happened...
Life has delayed the bus build for some time. We decided to buy land and build a home. The plan was to focus on the new barn to build the...
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Jared Harrington
Sep 25, 2017
The floor fix
It is time to tackle the rusty floor. Really have not been looking forward to it so I've had to force myself to work on the bus. You can...
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Jared Harrington
Sep 4, 2017
Ditch the bulky vent
We removed the rear engine air intake to make space for the queen master bed.
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Jared Harrington
Sep 2, 2017
Removing some windows
We decided to remove the windows that we don't need in places like the bunks and bathroom. By doing so we will get a much cleaner look on...
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Jared Harrington
Aug 17, 2017
Week 1
It has been a productive week thus far. The interior is mostly gutted and we have learned a few things... After looking at countless bus...
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Jared Harrington
Aug 14, 2017
Rust!! August 14, 201
Ran into my first major problem today. Removed the plywood floor and found this. What a mess. Not sure how I am going to repair this yet....
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Jared Harrington
Aug 10, 2017
Day 1- gut job!
The first step in this huge undertaking is to get everything out of the bus that we don't want or need. I was reminded of the movie The...
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Sarah Harrington
Aug 9, 2017
Picking up our bus
The kids were beyond excited to be picking up our very own family school bus! I mean, every family wishes for one, right?! And she's...
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Jared Harrington
Aug 9, 2017
Why a bus??
I have been working up this idea for a year or more about turning a school bus into an RV and taking the family on vacation. We are a...
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Sarah Harrington
Aug 8, 2017
We bought a bus!!
We just made a purchase. It's a BIG ONE and it's something I can honestly say I never thought we'd buy. Our family just bought a SCHOOL...
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